Financial support is available from a number of sources to aid travel to major international observatories and research institutions.
- The ASA provides limited travel assistance to students to allow them to attend national and international conferences. Other sources of funds for student travel are also listed.
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) – Access to Major Research Facilities Program.
- IAU Travel Grants Commission 46 (Astronomy Education and Development) – funds are available toward grants to qualified individuals to enable them to visit institutions abroad.
- Von Humboldt Foundation – granted annually to internationally recognized scholars for the conduct of research in Germany.
- Australian Academy of Science – visits to Europe – airfare and allowance, Ph.D. or equivalent required.
- Australian Academy of Science – visits to the USA, Canada and Mexico – airfare and allowance, PhD or equivalent required.
- Australian Academy of Science – visits to Asia.
- American Australian Association Fellowships– education fellowships for Australians studying in the US.
- Australian Bicentennial Scholarships/Fellowships – available for postgraduate students and academic staff to visit the UK for 3 months.
- American Association of University Women – International Fellowships – awarded for full-time study or research to women who are not United States citizens or permanent residents.
- Sigma XI – Grants-in-Aid of Research – undergraduate and graduate student grants to a maximum of $2,500.
- The RSSA maintains an excellent Student Travel Funding page with a listing of organisations, maximum grant amounts and deadlines.