In general, students wishing to enter a PhD program must apply for a scholarship and candidature directly through their University of choice. Occasionally astronomers have funding to cover PhD scholarships directly. These are usually advertised in November/December for the following year.
Currently available scholarships:
- PhD top-up scholarships (AAO): The Australian Astronomical Observatory (AAO) manages a scheme of top-up scholarships for students at Australian universities who are substantially co-supervised by an AAO staff member. These grants will be $5000 per annum. For more information, click here.
- PhD scholarship (ATNF): The CSIRO Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF) offers several prestigious top-up PhD scholarships to exceptional students conducting joint PhDs with the ATNF. These scholarships are available through CSIRO to students who will separately obtain an APA or equivalent University scholarship. The ATNF Graduate Student Program offers accommodation in the on-site lodges (when available) and up to $5000 in travel grants. For more information, click here.
- PhD scholarships (ICRAR/UWA): The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) is one of Australia’s top astronomical research institutes and the University of Western Australia (UWA) node offers a vibrant and friendly environment for PhD students to carry out cutting-edge research in observational and theoretical astrophysics. With a focus on galaxy evolution surveys, ICRAR/UWA researchers play a leading role in programs that exploit state-of-the-art radio telescopes (e.g. ASKAP), exquisite multi-wavelength datasets (e.g. GAMA & WAVES), the latest galaxy formation models (e.g. SURFS), and advanced supercomputing (e.g. Pawsey). A range of PhD scholarships are available, covering tuition fees, health insurance (for international students), living allowance support, and research/travel expenses. Please follow the links for further information on ICRAR/UWA’s scholarship opportunities and PhD projects.
- PhD scholarships (Macquarie): Macquarie University is a highly active, rapidly growing centre of astronomical research excellence and is in close proximity to the Australian Astronomical Observatory and Australia Telescope National Facility which offers excellent opportunities for PhD students due to the developing strong links in astronomy and astronomical instrumentation. There are currently seven PhD scholarships available within the Astronomy Concentration of Research Excellence (CORE) and the Photonics CORE. Potential research topics, include planetary nebulae, massive black holes, shock-waves, binary stars, galactic archaeology, dwarf galaxies, astronomical instrumentation/photonics and astronomy/science education. Scholarships provide tuition, a tax-exempt stipend, and a $6K research budget. For details on potential research projects and scholarship terms and links to the application process, click here.
- PhD scholarships (Monash): Monash Universities Centre for Stellar and Planetary Astrophysics hosts a number of PhD students, working on anything from planetary dynamics to Solar-System formation, and from nucleosynthesis in massive stars to sunquakes. PhD Stipend scholarships for Australian citizens and permanent residents, and New Zealand citizens, are available year round. For further information, click here.
- PhD scholarship (RSAA, ANU): Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, ANU Postgraduate students (Australian and from overseas) admitted to RSAA are normally awarded a living stipend scholarship (usually an ANU PhD Scholarship or an Australian Postgraduate Award) to support them during their candidature. In addition, overseas students are usually awarded a scholarship to cover the tuition fees (Australian and New Zealand students are not liable for tuition fees). For more information, click here.
- PhD scholarship (Swinburne U.): Swinburne University offers a range of PhD scholarships to Australian/New Zealand and international students. There are two scholarship rounds each year: the main round in late October and a smaller round in late May. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest as early as possible. Scholarship stipends are topped-up by $3k p.a. and generous travel and computing support is also provided. Swinburne has guaranteed access to the twin 10-m Keck telescopes in Hawaii and its own powerful supercomputer. For further information, click here.
- PhD scholarship (Victoria U. of Wellington, NZ): The Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, has recently established a radio astronomy group to expand its existing astrophysical research team. Current areas of astrophysical research covered at VUW include stellar astronomy and astrophysics, early Solar System chronology & cosmochemistry and cosmology. An exciting opportunity now exists for PhD & MSc projects in radio astronomy related to future developments in Australasia, and in particular to facilitate New Zealand’s engagement in future instruments such as ASKAP and the SKA. Applicants of any nationality are invited to apply for PhD Scholarships in any of the above topics. For more information, contact Melanie Johnston-Hollitt.
- PhD scholarship (U.Sydney): The Sydney Institute for Astronomy (SIfA) at The University of Sydney is offering PhD scholarships to all holders of first class honours degrees in physics or a related field. The Institute’s research strengths include observational cosmology and astro-seismology, as well as programs in galaxy formation, gravitational lensing and cosmology. Further theoretical studies include plasma astrophysics, pulsars and space science. For details, see the School of Physics web page on Postgraduate Scholarships or contact Geraint Lewis.
- PhD scholarship (UNSW): The Exoplanetary Science group, based within the Department of Astrophysics and the Australian Centre for Astrobiology, at the University of NSW invites applications for its PhD program and scholarships. All PhD scholarship stipends by AU$6000 per year, in addition to providing generous research support for computing facilities, travel to conferences, and travel to national and international observatories. For more information, click here.