Professional journals, popular literature and general interest publications from Australia and abroad.
The Astronomical Society of Australia:
Publications linked to the Astronomical Society of Australia, the organisation of professional astronomers in Australia.
- The Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA) is an ISI-listed, fully refereed journal for new and significant research in astrophysics. With a strongly international author base, PASA maintains a focus on areas of research relevant to Australian astronomy.
- The Astronomical Society of Australia Newsletter provides members with an update of current society activity and brief reports on work in progress at various institutions around Australia. The newsletter used to be published yearly and the Newsletter Archive is available online. Newsletter will now be housed on this site in a more dynamic fashion under News.
- Information of immediate interest or requiring quick action is now distributed to most members using an Email exploder. This exploder may be accessed for suitable purposes by mailing to the exploder address which is available on request from John O’Byrne, the ASA Secretary maintaining the list.
International Publications:
Peer-reviewed expert journals containing the latest astronomical research from Australia and abroad.
- American Physical Society Journals – including Physical Review A-E and Physical Review Letters.
- Annual Reviews of Astronomy & Astrophysics – comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists.
- Astronomy and Astrophysics – European journal publishes papers on all aspects of astronomy and astrophysics.
- The Astronomical Journal – an emphasis on observational papers and a generally short publication time.
- The Astrophysical Journal – devoted to recent developments, discoveries, and theories in astronomy and astrophysics.
- The Astrophysics Data System provides an astrophysics and astronomy abstract server at
- Nature – leading journal in the field of earth sciences, biology and astrophysics.
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society – original research in positional and dynamical astronomy, astrophysics, radio astronomy, cosmology, space research and the design of astronomical instruments.
- Science Magazine – articles embracing a broad range of disciplines.
- An astrophysics pre-print server is also available at
General Interest Publications:
Information sheets, leaflets, online course-notes and popular magazines aimed at a general audience.
- The ASA Education & Public Outreach Chapter produces a series of web-based factsheets on topical subjects such as the Leonid meteor shower and upcoming eclipses, transits etc. The sheets are in PDF format for convenience and require Adobe Acrobat Reader (R) for viewing.
- Take the first exciting step towards an astronomy career by reading the ASA leaflet How to become an astronomer for school students.
- SKY & SPACE Space Magazine – the Australian amateur astronomers’ magazine.
- Popular magazines and online bulletins for specialist groups are also listed under Media Publications of our General Interest section.