Links to professional observatories in and associated with Australia. Most professional observatories host open days and public information meetings and have visitors centres on site.
- Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATNF)
- Australian Astronomical Observatory
- Australian Gemini Office
- Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex (Tidbinbilla)
- CANGAROO at Woomera
- Ceduna Radio Telescope (SA)
- Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST)
- Mopra Observatory (ATNF)
- Mt Canopus Observatory (Tas)
- Mt Kent Observatory (QLD)
- Mt Pleasant Observatory (Tas)
- Parkes Radio Observatory (ATNF)
- Perth Observatory WA
- Siding Spring Observatory (RSAA, ANU)
- Sydney University Stellar Interferometer (SUSI)
See also the list of Designated Optical Observatories maintained by the ASA in connection with Australian Standard AS4282 on “The Control of the Obtrusive Effects of Outdoor Lighting”.
Of interest to those observing in South Eastern Australia (including Tasmania), check the SSO-NOAA Weather Satellite Service, run by the UNSW Automated Patrol Telescope.