Design a Mars mission, tour the solar system or solve the mysteries of deep space- interactive online tutorials and information for budding astronomers of all levels.
- Astronomy Homework Help – resource page for researching astronomy on the internet.
- Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) – each day a different image or photograph along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
- Astronomy Society of the Pacific Education Pages – navigate the links find hands-on astronomy programs and classroom resources
- AstroTour – 3D tours of the universe for primary and secondary students. Held at Swinburne University’s Virtual Reality Theatre.
- Australia Telescope Outreach and Education has a wide range of educational resources and information for students and teachers.
- Challenger Online Science Learning Center – discover a host of educational activities and programs.
- Cosmos – the Swinburne Astronomy Online Encyclopedia. A unique astronomy reference written by research astronomers.
- Factsheets – information on current astronomical topics with an Australian flavour.
- Melbourne’s Astronomy Central Educational Resources – here you will find a variety of links classified by levels.
- RSAA outreach pages – public information on Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories and the RSAA.
- Space Telescope Science Institute Educational Resources – the latest on Hubble discoveries and a collection of online interactive resources.
- Star Class – astronomy business based in Canberra.
- The Nine Planets – engaging multimedia tour of the solar system – highly recommended.
- Windows to the Universe and associated Teacher Resources – let this award winning website guide you on a fun journey through the universe.