Let the professionals guide you on a journey through the Universe at any of the public observatories, visitors centres and planetariums listed here.
Australian Capital Territory:
New South Wales:
- Australia Telescope Compact Array – Narrabri
(and see the Compact Array LIVE!) - Crago Observatory
- Gilgandra Observatory
- Grove Creek Observatory
- Koolang Observatory and Space Science Centre
- Linden Observatory
- Macquarie University Observatory
- Paramatta Observatory
- Parkes Observatory Visitors Discovery Centre
- Siding Spring Exploratory
- Warrumbungle Observatory
- Sydney Observatory
- UWS Nepean Observatory
- Wollongong Science Centre and Planetarium
- Charleville Cosmos Centre & Observatory
- Sir Thomas Brisbane Planetarium
- Mt. Kent Observatory at the University of Southern Queensland
- South Burnett-Maidenwell Astronomical Observatory
- Sundown Observatory
South Australia:
- Ballarat Observatory
- Melbourne Planetarium @ Scienceworks Museum
- Mount Burnett Observatory
- Swinburne Astrophysics and Supercomputing Centre’s Virtual Reality Theatre
- Talbot Observatory
Western Australia:
- Astro Ventures
- Astronomy WA (not an observatory, but info on all things astro in WA)
- Gingin Observatory
- Golden Grove Observatory
- Perth Observatory
Also see the list of Designated Observatories on the ASA website.