
Considering the unparalleled views of the southern skies, it is no surprise that over thirty amateur astronomical societies exist in Australia. Groups meetings are held at least once per month and cater for all ages and levels of interest. Most societies own equipment, ranging from portable telescopes to complete observatories. For more information on observatories see the list of observatories and planetaria on this site.

Online groups

  • Astronomers Sydney (discussion group)
  • IceInSpace – an online Australian amateur astronomy forum and website
  • Northern Galactic – a global membership of professional and advanced astronomers, scientists, astrophotographers and science writers (NH focus).
  • SCP3 – an online astronomy forum and resource site.
  • Southern Galactic – a global membership of professional and advanced astronomers, scientists, astrophotographers and science writers (SH focus).

 New South Wales / ACT

Northern Territory


South Australia



Western Australia

For a list of amateur gatherings and star-parties, as well as professional conferences, see the Meetings page on this website.

An extensive list of contact phone numbers for Astronomy and Space Societies in Australia and New Zealand is published every few months in Sky & Space magazine. A list can also be found at the Oz Astro and Quasar Publishing websites, which contain resources for amateur astronomers in Australia.

See also the list of Designated Optical Observatories maintained by the ASA.