Light pollution is a serious problem for optical astronomy. Various groups are working lobby for better outdoor lighting strategies to reduce light pollution.
- The Australasian Dark Sky Alliance
- Campaign for Dark Skies – campaigning to stop light pollution in the UK by the British Astronomical Society.
- International Dark-Sky Association – working to preserve and protect the night-time environment and our heritage of dark skies through quality outdoor lighting.
- International Dark-Sky Association of Victoria (IDAVic) – a chapter of the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA)
- The Ballarat Dark Sky Community – protecting the night Sky for current and future generations to share
- Light Pollution in Canberra – by the Canberra Astronomical Society.
- Light pollution information – by the Astronomical Society of South Australia.
- Light Pollution – by the Astronomical Society of Victoria.
- Sydney Outdoor Lighting Improvement Society (SOLIS) – are working to bring to a standstill the increasing sky glow at night over urban areas.